I'm a Survivor

Even when war breaks out against you, God still wants your heart free of fear. He wants you to be confident in His ability to deliver you through whatever mess you’re in or created. It matters not the situation or who’s involved.

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Haters Gonna Hate

Know that God will handle your enemies for you. He said that no weapon formed against you will prosper. God didn’t promise weapons would not be formed against you. He promised they would not prosper. Understand that haters are going to hate you no matter what you do. It’s their job!

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Give It Up

When you choose to give up people or things in your life to follow the plan of Christ, have faith that He will provide for you. It will be uncomfortable to lose friends or to stop doing thing you’ve become use to, but don’t lose heart.

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What a God!

I’m willing to bet whatever discomfort you’re facing today can’t compare to the feeling God gave you when He gently smiled on you in your past. You know. That day when you had no idea how you were going to get by or make it through and He made a way out of no way?

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