27th Psalm Series - Day 6
“Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at His sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.”
When we think of our enemies, we often think of that co-worker who’s always blaming us when a project falls short, or that person at church who keeps old rumors alive. But Satan does not limit enemies to only people. Antagonistic spirits can come in the form of inanimate objects as well. We’re pretty good about calling on Christ when it comes to people who are working our last nerve, but about when it’s an enemy like that reality TV show keeping you from bible study, or the late night activity making you sleep through worship service?
The difficult thing in dealing with this enemy is convincing yourself to let it go. God wants to free your mind and lift you above the enemy of late night snacking, gossiping, and procrastination, to give you a reason to shout with joy and sing to Him. Just as God will deliver you from the hand of your enemy, He will deliver you from the grip of your stronghold. When you feel surrounded by your enemy, lift your head to the heavens and proclaim the joy of letting go. Free your spirit from bondage by singing to the Lord and feel the chains of your enemy slip away.
Break every chain
“Heavenly Father, thank You for empowering me to lift my head above my enemies that surround me. I will shout with joy and sing praises to Your holy name, for You are worthy. Thank You Lord for freeing me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
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