Nowhere to Run to

27th Psalm Series - Day 5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.
— Psalm 27:5 (NIV)

I’m the youngest son of three boys in my family. I always felt a need to challenge my older siblings. Sometimes while roughhousing I would hit one of my brothers and cross the boundaries of “we’re just playing.” Then, to avoid an inevitable thrashing at their hands, I’d run as fast as I could to my mother and use her body as a human shield to protect me and keep me safe. She’d separate us by sending my brothers off one direction and me in another, further ensuring my safety.

Praise God that in your time of trouble (and if your mother isn’t around), you can run and hide behind Jesus! He will not allow your trouble to punish you to the extent you’re deserving of. Instead of judging you, God has hidden you within Himself. And not only has He hidden you, but to ensure your safety, God has set you on a higher level where trouble can’t harm you permanently. There’s nowhere to run to because you don’t have to run. God has put you in an unreachable place where your enemies have to look up to even see you.

I’m in His safety

Heavenly Father, thank You for keeping me safe in You in my time of trouble. I find safety from all evil and harm in your shelter. Thank You for taking me to new heights and lifting me above all my trouble. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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