“Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Everyone wants to experience happiness. Happiness can be falling in love with the person of your dreams. Happiness can be the waiter bringing your steak perfectly cooked. Happiness can be your favorite team winning the championship. Happiness can be found on the job, in your health, your income, your home, or just about anywhere. To experience happiness is truly a good feeling, but that’s just what it is… an experience. Jesus never wanted us to just be happy. He wants us to have the joy of the LORD, which is more than an experience. It is forever!
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Happiness can prove to be temporary. That perfect person of your dreams has flaws. You won’t always be able to eat the same foods that once made you happy (Umph! Chili cheese fries!). Your favorite team that won last year may not get close to it again for 35 years! Your job, your health, these things are temporary, but no one can steal God’s joy from you. The Lord’s joy is what keeps you going on the inside when those happy things on outside fade or fail you. The Lord’s joy keeps you from turning to suicide or drugs for quick ways out. It reminds you happiness isn’t in the validation of others, feelings, or things, but in the joy of the Lord. This is where you will find your strength in times of pain, disappoint, and grief.
With joy comes happiness
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“Heavenly Father, I will not grieve nor be content with just those things that make me happy. I will focus on Your joy which is my strength and seek to please You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”