It's Not Your Job

It’s not your job to fight Satan. Jesus wants you to resist Satan, causing him to flee, but it’s the Lord’s job to strengthen and protect you from him. Instead, direct that energy toward honoring God and walking in His statues.

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Don't Lose It

When you face animosity, don’t lose control. Handle your situation with meekness. Jesus had all power and could command legions of angels to war against His enemies, but He chose to show His strength through meekness. 

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Hot Pursuit

God is pursuing you. He wants to change your life for the better. His goodness and mercy are following you wherever you go and no matter what you do. You only need to accept Him. Allow Christ to enter your heart. 

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God's Got Me

God not only wants to bless you in times of trouble. He’s prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies, situations, and circumstances, making them unable to reach you. God wants you to keep living the life He’s prepared for you. 

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I Don't Have It All Together

God is always working on you. He considers the mistakes of your past and provides you with opportunities to learn from them. I often feel sorry for those who pretend they have it all together while they shake their heads and hands at us imperfect people – they have no idea what they’re missing out on. 

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The Lord’s Prayer is focused on what we can do for God and others, not what God and others should do for us. Jesus instructed us to use this model when we pray. It’s a prayer to praise God, receive direction from God, and to glorify God. 

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I Forgive You

For a long time, I thought forgiving a person who wronged me was for their benefit. It wasn’t until recently I realized God designed forgiveness for my gain. Scripture says, “If you forgive other people when they sin against you...

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A Whole Lot of Talk

When you pray to God, make sure you don’t babble and remove the fluff from your request. I find the most effective way to do this is to pray His scripture. Find a scripture that supports your prayer request and pray it without adding fluff to it.

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