Wait For The Lord

As I complete this 27th Psalm Series, I realized that everything I wrote about He made sure I believed and exercised for myself. Each time I wanted to lash out at my enemy (but didn’t), and every time I wanted to give up on life (but didn’t), Jesus was right there to strengthen me through this word and show me His face. 

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I Need Thee

God will never stop loving or caring for you either, but sometimes it’s hard to hear His voice clearly because of the wrong you’ve done in your life. But, thank Jesus that no matter what you have done, God will never reject or forsake you.

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Seen It Before

As a child of God, Jesus will instruct and teach you the way you should go in life. And when you choose to go about handling a situation your own way, He’ll be there to counsel you with His love and get you back on track. 

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Already Blessed

When you woke up this morning, did you feel blessed? I hope you did because you are.  You don’t have to beg anyone for a blessing or ask to be blessed. God is so great that He’s already filled you with blessings. 

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