I Need Thee

27th Psalm Series - Day 9

Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.
— Psalm 27:9 (NIV)

I was expelled from school for a week during my 8th-grade year. For what? Something I didn’t completely think through, of course. My mom was so outdone I think she ran out of ways to punish me. So she did the worse thing she could ever do to me – she stopped talking to me. I can’t recall if it was for two hours or two days, but as a child it seemed like forever. I begged her to talk to me and forgive the wrong I’d done. She didn’t stop loving or caring for me, but I needed that interaction I was missing by not hearing her voice.

God will never stop loving or caring for you either, but sometimes it’s hard to hear His voice clearly because of the wrong you’ve done in your life. But, thank Jesus that no matter what you have done, God will never reject or forsake you. He will never judge you, condemn you, or turn you away. Confess your sin to Him today and trust that He is faithful and just to forgive you, and cleanse you of any unrighteousness. You need to hear from God daily, and if you’re not able to, do a quick inventory of your life and make sure that God approves of every aspect of it. He’s waiting for you.

Every hour, I need thee!

Lord, thank You for not hiding Your face from me or turning me away. I am forever grateful of your help in life. When family and friends reject me, I thank You for never rejecting me or forsaking me. I will continue to trust and rely on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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