No Problem Too Big

O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together.
— Psalm 34:3 (KJV)

When you focus on the issues of life, they can slowly begin to weigh you down. Seems like when you identify one problem, it leads to another!

“I have too many bills.”

“Wish I had someone to help me with these bills, but I’m all alone.”

“I’m alone because I don’t look like I did when I was younger.”

“Oh my God! I’m old!”

I’m not saying you should turn a blind eye to the problems in your life—that could result in the creation of even more problems. What I am saying is you should not be consumed by them. A great way of achieving this is realizing God is bigger than any of your problems!

When you magnify the Lord, you turn your focus from your problem and toward the problem-solver. “I have a lot of bills, but God, You said You will supply all my needs.” As you focus on God and serving him, your problems will consume you less. “I feel lonely, but Jesus, You said You would never leave me nor foresake me.” In your worship He will comfort you and reveal the solution to your situation. If you get overwhelmed today by your mountain of problems, remember, you know someone with the power to move mountains! Let us exalt His name together!

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

Lord, I will magnify You name and not allow my problems to overtake me. I know You are greater than any issue or situation I am experiencing. Father, as I exalt Your name today, I pray You reveal Your answer for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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