I Don't Have It All Together

23rd Psalm Series - Day 3

He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
— Psalm 23:3 (KJV)

God is always working on you. He considers the mistakes of your past and provides you with opportunities to learn from them. I often feel sorry for those who pretend they have it all together while they shake their heads and hands at us imperfect people – they have no idea what they’re missing out on. When you admit to Jesus you don’t have it all together, you enable His hand to restore you and lead you. Unlike those “head shakers” God realizes you are a work-in-progress. He’s leading you exactly where He needs you to complete His mission on earth.

A common question when discussing the past is “What would you change if you could?” If you believe Christ works out everything for your good, your answer should be “not one thing.” Jesus can use every circumstance and situation to grow you into what He saw when He created you. Learn from your past while looking to your future.

Let Jesus Lead You

Lord, thank You for restoring my soul. I realize I do not have it all together and pray that You lead me in the path of righteousness for Your name’s sake. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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