Your Request is Known

"The Lord's Prayer" Series - Day 3

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
— Matthew 6:8 (NIV)

“Achoo!” “Cough, cough!” This was the greeting I received from my daughter when picking her up after basketball practice last school year. For some reason, after sweating inside a warm gymnasium, she thought it was ok to transition from the school into a cold, snow-filled parking lot, and into my car - in shorts! After her shower, I’d already prepared a dosage of medicine for her. She said, “Dad, I was just about to ask you for this. How did you know I needed medicine?” I smiled and said, “Because I paid attention to the decisions you made and knew what you would need before you asked.”

Even when you don’t realize it, God is paying attention to you. He sees each decision you make each day. He knows what you need in life before you ask Him. The tough part is exercising patience on the receiving end. Have faith that God knows the perfect time to release your blessing. While you may feel that you’re ready for your breakthrough today, God already planned it for next week before you were even born! Believe that Jesus has already answered your prayer and taken care of all your needs, so your prayers can now focus on others, the needs of your church, and the condition of your community. Live life knowing that your request is already known and answered.

He knows before you know

Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing what I need before I ask You. I have faith You will release my blessing exactly when I need it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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