Your Name is...

"The Lord's Prayer" Series - Day 4

This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name...
— Matthew 6:9 (NIV)

It’s a common practice in life to address people by their title or position out of respect. When in court, you refer to the judge as “Your Honor.” In karate practice, you refer to your instructor as “Master.” At church, you refer to the person God placed over it as “Pastor.” In most cases, these titles signify authority, and enable you to be conscious of your place as it relates to how you interact with each public figure.

When Christ taught us to pray, He begins with placing God in His place as our Father in heaven. This automatically sets the tone of how we should approach Him with humility and reverence. We also should acknowledge that His name is hallowed meaning holy, sanctified, and blessed. God, our Father, is the creator of everything, worthy of all praise, and has dominion over heaven and earth. When you pray throughout your day today, call God who and what He is to you.

Name above all names

Heavenly Father, You are lifted above the heavens and the earth. Your name is mighty, holy, sacred, and blessed. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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