Steal, Kill, Destroy

Simply put, you have something the enemy wants to take from you. In your possession is a gift from God so great that will change not only your life, but also the life of a family member, a friend, your church, your workplace, your community, or even the world.

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Like Father, Like...

When God created you, He created you for a specific purpose in life. He also gave you a unique gift to accomplish this purpose. Life, nevertheless, can at times prove to be trying. You may witness the success of others your age and wonder, “When is it going to be my time.” 

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Press Play

God created each one of us with a specific purpose in mind. Yet, too often we put this purpose on pause. We defer our dreams and goals because we don’t have enough money, don’t have enough education, or feel unworthy because of mistakes we’ve made in the past. 

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