Your Assignment

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
— Romans 8:18 (KJV)

“When you’re doing your assignment (from God), you can go through things that others cannot.” That was a quote from a sermon my pastor preached this past Sunday. It resonated in my spirit, and made me realize the true power of Jesus. When His work, will, and way are the focal points of your life, issues, problems, and obstacles aren’t as tough to face.

Let’s be honest. Sometimes it seems as though living for God isn’t easy. There may be times when you want to sleep in on Sundays or cuss out that person at work who’s had it coming for a long time now. And doing your assignment can seem even more difficult. Sometimes you may not want to help a certain person, or spend the time it takes to work on your assignment.

But like the scripture says, the sufferings you go through while on your assignment don’t compare to the blessings Jesus has for you and others. Don’t give up just yet. Your break through is right around the corner if you just hold on. Be diligent. Remain faithful. Jesus sees you and has prepared glory, in this time, for you.

Complete your assignment

Father, I thank You in advance for the blessings You have stored up for me. I know when I suffer, I can call upon Your name and You will comfort me and release blessings. I accept the assignment You have given me, and I will complete it to glorify You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer