He's Already Done It

I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.
— Isaiah 42:3 (NIV)

Recently, one of my surrogate “pops,” Howard McCullough, gave a testimony during Fulfillment Hour (i.e., Sunday School). He shared that while participating in our church community service at the local homeless shelter, God revealed to him his ministry—to donate care products to the residence there. Pops had no idea what items were needed, but being obedient nevertheless, he went to Costco only to run into the director of the shelter. There, the director told him exactly what items were needed.

When God places something on your heart, He has already made a way for you to do it. You may not have the resources or know the right people, but when you take the first step in faith God will orchestrate the rest.

Believe that God has already planned a path for success in your life. There may appear to be obstacles before you, but remember, God will clear the way for you. Ignore the first five, six, or 10 times your hear “no,” and prepare for your first “yes.” Start today.

 Move mountain!

Precious Savior, thank You for going before me and making a path of success for me. When I come against obstacles I will remember that they’re only to make me stronger, but not to stop me. I will listen to You and carry out Your plan. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer