Steal, Kill, Destroy

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
— John 10:10 MSG

Jesus came that you may have an abundant life. “Well, why do I have so many problems then?” you ask? Unfortunately, you have an adversary, and his name is Satan. Jesus warned us that Satan’s goal is to steal the plan that Christ has for us, to kill the life that He wants for us, and to destroy the relationship we have with God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Simply put, you have something the enemy wants to take from you. In your possession is a gift from God so great that will change not only your life, but also the life of a family member, a friend, your church, your workplace, your community, or even the world.

The abundant life Christ speaks of isn’t just about the plan He has for your life, but how your life affects everyone and everything around you. Don’t allow it to be taken from you.

The best and safest way to protect something that God has given to you is to give it back to Him. Not only is Jesus the giver of life, but He also protects it. The devil has no power over it or anything He has given you. The devil can only trick you into believing that he does. Remember, Satan is not capable of creating. He can only attempt to pervert what God has already created.

God is in control

Thank you Father, for making me aware of the enemy’s plan. I accept the gift of life you’ve given me and place it back into your hand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer