Undefeated Champion

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
— Exodus 14:14 NIV

Think about all the energy we waste struggling to fight every battle. Ever tried to solve a problem and ended up making it worse? What about confronting that person who started a rumor about you, only to look worse than the rumor they initially started? How about the time you held a three-year grudge against an old friend that had no idea you were even mad at them! All wasted energy.

Many of us realize that we often end up fighting fights that aren’t even ours! But, let me clue you in on a revelation…NONE OF THEM ARE OURS! Haters are going to hate. Don’t get mad or discouraged when they do their jobs! Think about it. Jesus was falsely accused, persecuted, and killed by His haters—and He was PERFECT!

God doesn’t want us to waste the gifts He’s given us to change the world by being distracted by negativity. He said He’d fight for us. Our job is to be still. Being still does not denote inactivity on our part. Being still means continuing in His will, and exercising our faith by believing that He will handle our enemy.

We have an undefeated champion fighting for us. He’s never lost a battle. Trust Jesus to fight your battles as you continue to focus on His plan for your life. Retire your boxing gloves and watch Him do it!

Stand still and know

Thank you Jesus for fighting my battles. Help me to focus my energy on the plan you have for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer