Always By My Side

But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength.
— 2 Timothy 4:17a (NIV)

I want to challenge you today. Do something you know is beyond your own strength or ability. I’m not talking about lifting a car or doing something that might endanger you or others, but something to exercise the strength of Christ that resides in you.

Try calling an old friend to ask for forgiveness and mend a broken relationship. Apply for the job you think you’re not qualified for. Tell someone about the goodness of Christ and invite them to your church. The idea is to do something outside of your comfort zone that you have to rely on Jesus’ strength to do.

Jesus is always by your side and wants to strengthen you. But if we only do things we can accomplish on our own, we may never tap into the true awesomeness of His strength. So make today the day you recognize that Jesus is by your side, and you have the strength to do anything!

 Just do it

Heavenly Father, I feel Your presence at my side. I thank You for strengthening me to do those things that glorify and honor You. I will step out of my comfort zone and do Your will, which allows me to witness Your strength in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer