Study Long, Study Wrong

What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.
— Job 3:25 NIV

Ever hear the saying, “Don’t think about it, be about it?” Well, I like to say something very similar, but a little different: “If you think about it, you’ll be about it!”

That’s right! Far too often we mistakenly think that what we think has no effect on the outcome of the events in our lives, but the opposite is true. Have you ever been worried about spilling coffee on yourself on your way to work or church, and done exactly that? Or, maybe you’ve worried about not having friends or people not liking you, only to find that people who were once in your social circle now shun or ignore you.

What if I told you that your thoughts made what you feared most to happen? When we focus on negative things, we speak them into our lives and become defeated. Don’t live this way. Instead of saying you’ll never get a promotion, tell yourself the promotion is yours. Don’t say you always catch a cold in the winter. Tell yourself you’re going to remain healthy this coming winter season.

When you think negative, negative will happen. It’s almost inevitable. But when you think positive, your view of a situation will change, and that positive energy will manifest into what God has for you. Create a vision board or use sticky notes to remind you to focus on the positive. And remember: think about what you’re thinking about.

Free your mind, and the rest will follow

Lord, I will not focus on the negative thoughts that enter my mind. Instead, I will focus on positive thoughts that are of You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer