Happy Birthday

Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.
— Genesis 2:25 NKJV

“I’m too short.”
“My hair isn’t long enough.”
“I’m too emotional.”
“I’m not beautiful like her.”
You are perfect! Look in the mirror. When God created you, He knew exactly what He was doing. He planned you from the very beginning. God celebrates your life every year on your birthday, and every day that follows.

When you were born, God equipped you with everything you were going to need to navigate this crazy world of ours. There’s no need to be ashamed of how He made you.
Meditating and studying His Word will reveal to you why you were uniquely created the way you were. What you view as a flaw, Jesus views as an opportunity. What you see as weakness, Jesus sees as strength. You only need to walk with Him and trust His Word. Learn to love what you see when you look into the mirror. Jesus does!
Don’t be ashamed. Let God show you what He sees when He looks at you.
So go on…take a second look.

I am what you see

Heavenly Father, I am no longer ashamed of how You created me. I am perfect in You. I am what You see! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer