Small, but Deadly

Death and life are in the power of the tongue...
— Proverbs 18:21a (NIV)

Ever talk about an old friend you haven’t seen or heard from in years, only for that person to call or text you the minute you mentioned it to someone? Or, have you ever been sitting in class mumbling to yourself, “I hope he doesn’t call on me,” and sure enough the teacher calls on you?

These occurrences don’t happen by coincidence—you make them happen! Unbelievable, right? Not really. God gave you an ability to create life or death by the words you choose. It’s the same power He showed in Genesis 1:3 when He said, “Let there be light.” There was light after God spoke it. That was no coincidence—God spoke it into existence.
Our words shape our situations and outcomes in life, as well as in the lives of others. When you compliment someone versus criticizing them, you speak life into them. When you highlight what’s going right in your life instead of focusing on what’s wrong, you create life.
The tongue is a small organ in the human body, but it can do a lot harm if not used properly when speaking. Try randomly complimenting someone close to you today and watch it change his or her demeanor. Someone is waiting on a kind word from you. Don’t delay.

 Speak life

Heavenly Father, thank You for trusting me with Your power. I choose to speak positivity into my life today, and into lives of others. Help me to control my tongue and use words that are pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer