Every new year, people set out to find new ways of achieving better. Some people are looking to increase their finances while others are seeking to promote healthier living. Some people are looking for peace and stress-free lives and others are looking for love. But what if I told you everything you are trying to get, you already have access to?
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When Jesus ascended to heaven, He gifted you with the Holy Spirit – not just to comfort you, but to bring back to your memory everything that Christ has told you. Through the Word of God, you have been set free! You are already clean because of the Word Christ has spoken to you. He has already told you to give, and He’d give it back to you. He already told you to seek Him first and He’d add to you. He already told you to keep your mind stayed on Him and He’d keep you in perfect peace. I can guarantee you that in everything you’re trying to figure out on your own, Jesus has already cleaned for you. Allow Jesus to do a new thing in you.
Let Jesus
Heavenly Father, thank You for already cleaning every situation in my life. I realize every solution is in You and that every improvement I seek comes by obedience to You and Your Word. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.