(A spiritual walk through Ephesians Chapter 1 and 2)
A Chinese bamboo tree takes five years to grow. It has to be watered and fertilized which helps its roots below the surface grow deep and strong. After five years, once it breaks through the ground, it will grow ninety feet tall in just five weeks! Because of its strong roots and foundation, it can withstand the strongest winds brought on by hurricanes and even tsunamis. It is able to stand tall, gracefully, in peace, while the winds from the storm beat vehemently against it.
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Have you ever read a scripture where Jesus was worried about tomorrow? Ever seen one that talked about Him losing sleep because of what people were saying about Him? Nope. I suggest it’s because He had that kinda peace that surpasses all understanding. He knew who was in control. And you too have this kinda peace. Your foundation has grown strong in Christ because you’ve witnessed Him deliver you from a storm before, so you know He can do it again. So, when your next storm is upon you, like the bamboo tree, stand tall, gracefully, in the peace that Christ Himself has brought you and endure. His peace will carry you through.
I have Jesus peace
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of peace that surpasses all understanding. I know You are in control of everything, including my life, and I know You are working everything out for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.