(A spiritual walk through Ephesians Chapter 1 and 2)
Have you ever been so full that you couldn’t eat another bite of food? Think about Thanksgiving dinner or maybe even around Christmas time when the family gets together, and everyone brings a dish to pass. Too much fried turkey, honey baked ham, mac and cheese, sweet potato pie and it’s time for a nap! Then someone always has to ask, “Do you want another plate?” to which you politely respond, “No, thank you. I’m already full.”
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Today, I want to remind you that you too are already full and complete in Christ. You’re already blessed with every spiritual blessing. You’re already complete in God and do not require the world to dictate or measure your success. Christ fills all things everywhere with Himself. So, when you’re in Christ, you can tell the world, “No, thank you. I’m already full.” When the world offers you its agenda, its way of living or thinking, you can say, without regret, “No, thank you. I’m already full.” Everything you will ever need is already in Jesus and you are made full and complete in His body.
I Am Complete in Jesus
Heavenly Father, thank You for providing everything I will ever need to be both full and complete in Your Son, Jesus. I will cast down anything that rises against You because I have everything I need in Your body. In Jesus’ name. Amen.