(A spiritual walk through Ephesians Chapter 1 and 2)
A couple months ago, me and my wife hiked the Diamond Head volcano crater in Waikiki. It was formed 300,000 years ago and is about 560 feet high as it ascends from the crater floor. Now, if you know anything about your friend Van, he doesn't do heights, but it was one of three fears I planned to tackle during our Hawaiian vacation. As I climbed higher and higher, I just kept looking up. If anyone was able to get me to the top of this volcano, it would be God – and that’s Who I placed all of my hope in!
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Let me remind you today my friend that you no longer have to live in a world without hope. You have a God that will help you climb any mountain that you are faced with today. As a matter of fact, the God you serve has empowered you to speak to your mountain and tell it to move! To do this, you may have to stop looking at your problem, and look up to The Problem Solver – Jesus. You don’t have to live apart from Christ. God has made you a citizen of His Kingdom and you have full access to His promises. So let’s practice… When you encounter your next mountain, what are you going to do/say?
I can move mountains
Heavenly Father, my hope is in You. I may live in this world, but I am a citizen of Your Kingdom. Christ resides in my heart, mind, and spirit and now I love in this world with You and hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.