“‘Be quiet!’ the people in front yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’ When Jesus heard him, he stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him… ”
Jesus can use anybody. And when you realize that Jesus can use anybody, you’ll begin to understand better the role that people play in your life. In today’s scripture, a beggar was calling Jesus for his sight to be restored. The people around Jesus told the beggar to be quiet, but Jesus stopped to listen to the beggar and used the same people that were telling him to be quiet to bring him closer to Christ.
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There are some people in your life whose only job is to bring you closer to Christ. It could be someone very close to you or a stranger, but their job is to push you to Jesus. So, let them do their job! When they gossip about you, when they treat you wrong, when they count you out, the same people are getting you closer to Jesus. Don’t think about what they are doing to you, but think about what you should be doing because of them. Get closer to Jesus and watch Him make all things new.
Move forward
Heavenly Father, when people gossip, mistreat me, or count me out, I know You are using those same people to push me closer to You. I’m moving forward in You, Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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