“‘What do you want me to do for you?’ ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘I want to see!’ And Jesus said, ‘All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you.’”
There’s an old song that is sang in nearly every Baptist church. It’s called, “Jesus is on the Mainline.” The chorus of the song says, “Jesus is on the mainline. Tell Him what you want.” In another part of the song, the lyrics say, “Call Him up! Call Him up! Tell Him what you want.” As believers, we spend a lot of time calling Jesus. And while He is definitely the right One to call in every situation, do you know what you want when Jesus answers your call?
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In today’s scripture, a beggar “calls up” Jesus. The man normally sits on the streets begging for money, but when He hears Jesus is near, He doesn’t ask Jesus for money. Jesus asked the man, “What do you want…?” The beggar didn’t hesitate. He knew exactly what to ask Christ. When you call up Jesus today in your prayers, ask Him exactly what you want. Repair your marriage, restore your health, doesn’t matter! Just ask in total faith and you will receive.
Gotta have faith
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Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing my prayer. Today, I have total faith that You will answer my prayer and I will receive my blessing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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