“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
Today’s scripture has always carried a disciplinary undertone. Back in the day I’d only heard this passage when trying to “straighten someone up” or while explaining why a person was experiencing misfortune in their life. I can hear the whispers now – “He must’ve done something really bad for that to have happened to him.” And yes! While I agree that God will not be mocked, I also believe this scripture does not have to be received with fear or only with a negative connotation.
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What I mean my friend is take today’s scripture and sow blessings so that you will reap blessings. Go out of your way to be helpful to someone. Aggressively bring any negative thoughts into submission and only think positively about your life, your situation, and all that surrounds you. Get blessed by looking for the God and the good in everything. When you do that, you will sow righteously and in return you will get blessed.
Reshape your thinking
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“Heavenly Father, I’ve decided to sow positive energy and blessings. I may not understand what’s happening around me, but I trust You and Your promise. I will reap my blessing today! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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