“I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. ”
Through scripture, God warned us of things to come so we would believe in Him and His word all the more. He prophesized that men would become lovers of themselves, that daughters would turn against mothers, and that false prophets would convince the masses to follow them. Marks of the beast, microchip implants, droughts, disease – you name it, scripture said it.
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As believers we should recognize these occurrences, but not allow them to cause us to live in fear. After all, He also told us through scripture Christ is coming back for His church, which will be a time for us to rejoice! So don’t panic when things God said would happen actually start happening. That’s the perfect time to praise and glorify God realizing that He is faithful and cannot lie. Trust Jesus. Have faith in God Believe His word. You’ll find there’s a lot more happening He wants to tell you about!
Will you not know it…
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for trusting me with things You said were to come. I have trust Your Son, Jesus. I have faith in You. And I believe Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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