“You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.”
It’s that time of the year when our high school seniors about attending their graduation ceremonies. Parents, family members, and friends are all pitching in to make sure their senior has completed their financial aid packets, filled out their college admission applications, and applied for as many scholarships as possible. Senior pictures? Check! Open house invitations? Check! Know who Jesus is? HUGE check!
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Take the time to make sure your senior knows who Jesus is for themselves. You may have dragged them to church every day of the week since their childhood, but really have a conversation about their relationship with Christ. Remind them the importance of keeping Jesus first in everything. If you don’t have children, your siblings do, your cousins do, your friends do. Talk to their children and make sure they are prepared and have the wisdom that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. It’s the best graduation gift you can give them!
They won’t depart…
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the words of life and power to speak into my child’s life. Protect my child. Guide them in Your way and in Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Join me Mondays at 6:30PM BY ZOOM – CLICK HERE - for our Life Group - Troubled But Trusting
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