“But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”
It’s truly impossible to hide anything from God. We can trick ourselves into believing whatever false narrative we can conjure up to convince others of or to make ourselves feel better, but the Lord searches our hearts. He also is able to see if we have secret motives behind what we do. Are we going to church to be seen? Are we helping others in their time of need to say, “Look what I did”?
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At the end of the day, you don’t have to consider why people do what they do, if they have secret motives, or if they are truly being sincere. The Lord said He would give all people their due rewards according to what their actions deserve. This includes me and you too! Be sure what you are doing is for the glory of God. Jesus doesn’t need a show. He wants your heart. Love others because Christ loves you. Give because God gave to you. Be transparent with yourself and God. You can’t hide anything from Him any way (smile).
Start with the heart
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“Heavenly Father, I empty my heart so You can fill it up with Your unconditional love that I may offer it to others. I have no secret motives. I only want to glorify You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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