“All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.”
Everyone would like someone to clap for them. Most people like hearing someone tell them, “Good job!” when they’ve successfully completed a task. Trophies. Plaques. Ribbons. All forms of recognition that you’ve won, and people have taken notice of what you’ve accomplished. But, if you knew you would not receive a prize, would you have put less effort into what you’ve achieved?
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There are many “thankless” things we do daily. Work. Raise children. Give godly advice. These things, and many other good works, go without prizes. What’s it all for? It’s for the prize that will not fade away. We do good and the right things to please Christ and receive our eternal prize. When we do the right thing others will be blessed by it, but it’s not for them and it’s not so that we will win a prize. It’s so that God will be glorified and Jesus receives praise. That’s what it’s all for. So, keep up the good work. You have a prize coming that only God can give.
You’ve already won
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the strength to encourage myself to continue to do good works and the right things by You. I want You to be glorified and receive all the praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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