“The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
In the heat of the moment, we can say things without thinking. We may not consider who our words may hurt or how long they can cause pain. Social media has made it easy to tell numerous people off or say how we really feel instantaneously. After spouting off your inner most feelings from your emotionally charged state you may feel powerful, but often your words actually may have made matters worse.
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Don’t allow your tongue to become a tool of death by recklessly using words that pierce like swords. Instead, choose the way of Christ. Show wisdom and choose words that promote healing and give life. Train yourself to not immediately react. Gather your thoughts and ponder the possible outcomes of your word choice. There’s no time limit as to how long you should ponder. Just make sure Jesus would be proud of the words you choose : )
Think before speaking
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“Heavenly Father, I will not be reckless in using words that pierce like swords, but rather to be wise and use words that bring about healing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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