“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Let’s set the record straight: Satan can’t do anything to us without God’s permission. As believers, we have to stop limiting our all-powerful, all-knowing God, by giving the devil so much credit. When adverse things are happening in our lives or around us, we’ve all said, “The devil is busy!” or “The devil is on my back this week!” Just because something isn’t going our way or as we have planned doesn’t mean God is not busy working and coordinating things in our favor.
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God disciplines who He loves just like any good father would his child. If you’re going through anything today, this week, this month or this year, it may be painful and unpleasant at the time, but God is trying to produce a harvest of righteousness and peace in you. You may see what is happening to you as unfortunate, but what Christ is working out in you is great! After this sickness is excellent health. After this period of financial hardship is great wealth. After this season of broken heartedness is unconditional love. Change your focus to what Jesus is doing in your life and stay on the right path physically, mentally and spiritually. Jesus loves you!
God is busy
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“Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your grace and mercy. What I am going through is unpleasant and painful, but I have faith that You are producing a harvest of righteousness and peace in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”