Planted, Not Buried

Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!
— MATTHEW 13:8 (NLT)

My brother planted some perennials early spring. The seeds came in a pouch with a picture on the outside of how they looked once in bloom. He planted them deep in the dirt so they would have healthy roots. He also fertilized the area with manure and placed mulch on top to hold in moisture. After watering for some time, nothing happened. Nothing grew. He was about to give up because the entire summer had almost passed. One morning, to his amazement, out of the ground, overpowering the heavy dirt and past the stinky manure, grew a beautiful, strong flower. Those flowers grow every year, stronger and more bountiful each year.

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When you plant something, you intend for it to rise again and God created you stronger than the things that are temporarily bogging you down. I want to remind you that God has planted you, not buried you. Shake the dirt off you. It’s time to burst out! This is your season. It’s time to produce thirty, sixty, even a hundred times. The enemy’s manure stinks, but it helps you grow. The deeper the dirt the stronger the roots! If you want to know what you’re supposed to look like after you’ve been planted, look at your picture in God’s Word and see who Jesus called you and get ready to grow daily planted in the Lord.

Dirt don’t hurt

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Heavenly Father, You have planted me in good soil. I am not buried in my situation and problem. You created me to rise above and produce thirty, sixty, a hundred times! I claim my victory today in You, Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer