“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
What’s in your cup today? Is your cup filled with doubt and distress due to the current state of our country? Is your cup full of hate and revenge because of what someone said or did to you? Maybe your cup is filled with jealousy and envy because someone got the raise or promotion you felt you deserved. Take a brief inventory of what’s in your cup (e.g. heart, mind, spirit) and ask yourself, “Is there room for Jesus to pour into me?”
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Jesus is ready to pour into you a blessing that you won’t have room enough to receive, but are you available to receive His overflow? You can’t receive what God has for you if you’re already filled with something else. Oh! And that raise or promotion that was given to someone else… It wasn’t yours. What Jesus has for you is for you. That battle you’re fighting that is distracting you from doing what God called you to do… That’s not yours either. You’re consumed with things that are not helpful to you mentally, physically or spiritually and you’re not available for Jesus to pour into you. Today, make the decision to let go of the things in your life that are preventing God from pouring into you and blessing you beyond measure.
Fill me, Lord
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“Heavenly Father, today, I empty my cup of everything that is not of You so that You can fill me up with Your blessings, Your goodness, and Your spirit, Lord. Pour into me today, God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”