Take Away the Stone

Jesus wept.
— JOHN 11:35 (NIV)

In life you’re going to have to cry sometimes and that’s all right. How do I know? Because our perfect Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, cried. People will tell you that crying is a sign of weakness. Is Jesus weak? People will have you believe “real men don’t cry?” Was not Jesus a “real man?” If what’s happening around you makes you cry and brings you to your knees, that’s a great place to be. You’re in good company. Cry! And while you’re on your knees, pray to the Lord and He will answer and show you great and mighty things you do not know concerning your situation.

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Cry. Get it out, but don’t spend too much time crying. There’s a stone you have to take away. You see, the scripture tells us Jesus wept because those He loved were weeping due to Lazarus’ death (John 11:33). But for Jesus to bring back what was once dead, the stone had to be taken away. Whatever is troubling your spirit, whatever has you “stuck” in life – that’s your stone. Move it! Then Jesus can bring back the joy to your life that was once dead. Christ can bring back your strength, your confidence, your drive that was once taken from you, but you have to take away the stone – with faith. For when you believe, then you will see the glory of God in your life.

God is always on time

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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your example. Thank You for performing miracle after miracle in my life. I know that whatever I am going through is to glorify God the Father. I trust You, Lord. You’re never too late. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer