“He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.”
There was a down pour of rain over the weekend. The sky became really dark in the middle of the day, winds blew at high speeds and at one point, it even hailed. I like to watch storms – safely from inside my home. A tree in my yard caught my eye. As it rocked back and forth, gracefully taken each blow from the strong winds, I noticed something. Not a single leaf fell from the tree. The leaves were secure to the tree during the storm and held on to see the sun come out again.
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When times get dark and the winds of life try to blow you all over the place, hold on tight to your foundation of strength – Jesus Christ. When you are secured in Christ, you can weather any storm. It may get rough and you may have to take a few blows, but as long as you have built your foundation on The Rock and stay in the hands of the Lord, you’ll see the sun again. As I watched the leaves sway with the tree, I never heard one leaf complain, worry, or ask, “When is this storm going to be over?” They just stayed with the tree and held on tight. Make sure you’re holding on tight to your foundation during your storms. You can make it.
Can’t be shaken!
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“Heavenly Father, my foundation is in You. I am holding on tight to You in my storms, knowing You will protect me through to better and brighter days. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”