“‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’”
Yesterday, I came across a light bulb that was no longer working. I untwisted it and went to a hardware store to find a replacement. They didn’t have it. I went to another store; no luck. I tried one more store that specialized in light bulbs before giving up and guess what? They didn’t have it either. I took my losses and returned home to place it back in the appliance before looking up how to reorder the bulb in the owner’s manual. As I twisted the bulb back in snug, the light came on! It lost power because it had become disconnected from the source!
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Are you like my bulb today? Are you saved, but not twisted in tight and snugged? You know Jesus, but you’re not as connected as you could be and feel you’re losing power? If you’re stumbling in life, things just seem not to be working out right, perhaps you need to make sure you’re all the way plugged in. God planned for you to shine brighter than you are. Stop trying to do things on your own at work, in your relationships or with your finances. You need Jesus. Connect with the true Vine today and watch your light turn on.
Shine bright like a diamond
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“Heavenly Father, You are the vine, I am Your branch. You promised if I abided in You, and You in me, I would bear much fruit. I choose to abide in You, Father. I can do nothing without You, Lord. Please, I invite You into my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”