“Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.”
These United States is experiencing a pandemic. No, I’m not referring to COVID-19. I’m referring to the senseless killing of black men and women across this nation. Numerous questions are being raised: “What can we do to change this?” “Why does this keep happening over and over again?” “Is being black in America an automatic death sentence?” There is no definite answer to these questions, but all of us have to play our part in the solution. Finding the solution starts with prayer, but it cannot end there. After praying, there must be godly action because our God is a God of action.
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After praying, seek justice and help the oppressed. Learn to do good. You’re probably saying, “Van, I already know how to do good.” Well, my friend, there’s room for increase, because things aren’t “good” for everyone yet. Scripture says, “learn to do good.” That means we have some more to learn about being godly, about helping the oppressed, about defending those who cannot defend themselves and fighting for the rights of others. Our system - or way of doing things - is broken, and the only way to fix it is if everyone speaks up and helps the oppressed. After we pray, move into godly action.
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“Heavenly Father, I choose today to learn to do good, seek justice and help the oppressed. I will defend those who cannot defend themselves and fight for the rights of others. Show me the way, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”