“I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.”
My daughter decided to go for a run with us yesterday evening. We explained that we start with a brisk walk to loosen up before we start our run. She boasted, “You call this a brisk walk? I walk faster than this getting to class!” We reached the mile marker where we start running and she barked again. “You guys are slow. I’m going to run ahead.” As we reached the halfway point, she was too tired to keep running at her pace. We continued at our steady pace and finished before her. When she finally caught up to us, I told her, “You don’t have to be fast. You just have to complete your race.”
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You don’t have to be fast to win your race in life. You just have to run your race. Don’t worry about who you think is running faster than you, has a better life, job, car or whatever. They are running their race in the lane they were given. Stay in the lane God gave you. Your finish line is just ahead. And along the way to your finish line, God has planned to reward you for your steady pace. You don’t have to be fast. You have to have faith. Faith to stick to the plan Christ has for you and not take your eyes off it to look at what God has planned for someone else. Your time and chance are coming. Be careful not to miss it by going too fast.
Slow down and Live Life!
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for the race You’ve given me. I will exercise my faith and stay in the lane You have blessed me with. My time is coming. My chance is here! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”