You Are My Lord

I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.’
— PSALM 16:2 (NIV)

God finally came through on the blessing you’ve been asking for. You prayed and prayed and prayed, that if you had that new house, you’d be happy. You asked for God to send you the perfect soulmate and you’d be fulfilled. You begged God to let you pass this online class, get that promotion or for your stimulus check to come and you wouldn’t ask for another thing! Until you realized you needed more. You realized that new house wasn’t a home. You have the perfect soulmate, but still feel empty inside. “I got everything Lord! What’s missing?”

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Happiness in things won’t last. The joy others bring you can fade. But when you give your everything to Christ and allow Him to give it back to you, that’s when you experience true blessings. When your heart realizes apart from God you have no good thing and everything you have revolves around Him, “You are my Lord!” When you can go without and still have faith, “You are my Lord!” When He answers your prayer, “You are my Lord!” When you woke up this morning, “You are my Lord!” Now, Christ can do what is exceedingly abundant in your life. Now, you are fulfilled. The void is gone. He is your Lord.

You’re my everything

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Heavenly Father, You are my Lord. Apart from you, I have no good thing. Fill me with Your goodness, loving kindness and mercy, Lord. I desire a relationship with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer