“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Where is your focus today? It’s a simple question, but how often do you consider it? Most times, your environment or popular opinion shapes your focus and it determines your mood, mode, and day, but if you take control of what your focus will be, and not leave it to chance, you’ll find the outcome more favorable. The media wants you to focus on conspiracies that suggest COVID-19 specifically targets certain races or how privileged celebrities are that are sheltering-in-place in their mansions. The news wants you to focus on if you have enough food, money, or toilet paper to survive the pandemic. So, again, where is your focus today?
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Whenever tragedy strikes, focus on what God is doing. You may be sheltering-in-place, but now you have more time to spend with your family or work on reaching those New Year resolutions you set and forgot four months ago. High school seniors can’t attend prom this year. That’s sad, but maybe God was protecting them from something that was going to happen at prom. You were laid off due to the ‘Rona, but Jesus knew you would not have left that dead end job to go get what He had already planned for you any other way. What Satan meant to harm, God intended for your good, but it all comes down to where your focus is today.
Are you focused?
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“Heavenly Father, I choose to focus on what You’re doing and not what is going on around me. In tragedy, You are still working everything out for my good. My faith is in You during any crisis, pandemic or situation. Thank You for sustaining me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”