“Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because ‘the righteous will live by faith.’”
There is so much confusion that surrounds us every day. There’s conflicting information no matter the subject. For every article that tells you a particular diet is healthy for you, I can find another that tells you the same diet is unhealthy for you. How long should you wash your hands? Twenty seconds? The length it takes you to sing Happy Birthday? Should you tithe or just give an offering? Should you pray on your knees? All day? Before each meal? Only at night? Is there a God?
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As a believer, you can’t simply follow the crowd. As a Christian, confusion should not enter your mind. Why? Because every question you have is addressed and answered in the bible. When you’re in the world, the world’s opinion matters to you. It governs your actions, how you think, what’s good, what’s bad – it becomes law, but God says you, His righteous people, will live by faith. I want to encourage you to follow God’s word today and not the crowd. Be an ambassador for Christ. You were meant to stand out and to be peculiar. You can’t do that following the crowd.
Break out!
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“Heavenly Father, I choose to live by faith! I will not follow the crowd, but follow what Your word says. You created me to be unique, Your ambassador, and I’m breaking out today! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”