“For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.”
One of my favorite childhood games was Hide and Seek. As I grew older, the game expanded from hiding around my grandmother’s house to the entire neighborhood. It was no longer called “Hide and Seek.” It was called, “Manhunt!” The two games share the same principles: one person hunts while the others hid, except if you were caught, you became a hunter as well. As more and more people were found, you were hunted by more and more people. The only way to escape these hunters was to make it to base. On base you were safe. The hunters couldn’t touch you. For you, the game was over. You’ve won!
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Today, I want you to know your base of safety has expanded. You don’t have to run to a certain location. You don’t have to duck and dodge the “hunters” in your life. In Christ, you’re safe! You’re safe twenty-four seven! Your hunters may be lurking about you every day, but they can’t touch you. For in your day of trouble Jesus will keep you safe in His dwelling. Nothing or no one can get to you there. They have to go through God! He has you hidden in the shelter of His sacred tent and has set you high upon a rock where the hunters can’t get to you. Unemployment? Safe! Depression? Safe! Hardships? Safe! You’re safe from every hunter no matter where they find you. As long as they find you in Christ!
Can’t touch this!
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for hiding me in my time of trouble. I find refuge in Your sacred tent. I am safe, high above, on Your solid rock and foundation. I cannot be touched! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”