“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Isn’t it a great feeling to know that God will always be with you? No matter where you go or what you do, He’s right there with you. In Psalm 139, David said it like this, “If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.” As long as God is with you, no one will be able to stand against you. They will try, and times my get tough, but remember Who’s got your back (front, side, top and bottom)! You’re covered through Christ. There’s nothing you can’t get through when you stand with Jesus.
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I know you’ve probably heard before or read in scripture that God will never leave you nor forsake you, but when you really ponder what that means, it’s an amazing promise. Think about it. The same God that was with Moses, the one that delivered the people of God from Pharaoh, the one that parted the Red Sea, the one that sustained His people for forty years in the wilderness, the one that performed great wonders and signs through Moses, that God, is the same God making you this promise today. Nothing is impossible for you. No obstacle can prevent you from being who God called you to be. No one can stand against you when God stand with you.
Never alone
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“Heavenly Father, I feel Your presence in my life. No one can stand against me because You are with me. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me. Direct my path, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”