Still Open for Business

Preach the word. Be ready to do it whether it is convenient or inconvenient. Correct, confront, and encourage with patience and instruction.
— 2 TIMOTHY 4:2 (CEB)

As it may have been observed, I try not to devote much time or content to the Coronavirus. I’ve only written one devotional addressing the subject matter. (We at Live Life believe God is still in control, pray for all of subscriber’s health and encourage each in the faith.) However, I do want to share a commentary concerning the negativity surrounding churches being still open for business during this pandemic. I have seen negative comments on social media towards churches conducting “business as usual”, streaming services or asking for their members to continue paying their tithes and offering. I’m honestly shocked people are surprised God’s work doesn’t take a break and does not recognize the need for the church especially in these times!

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Gas stations are still open and serving people. No negative comments. Grocery stores are still providing food to customers. No negative comments. Hospitals remain open to heal and assist the sick. No negative comments. But if the church continues to serve the people and provide spiritual food, there’s all kinds of backlash and negative comments. The church is a hospital as well. The word of God has to be preached whether it is convenient or inconvenient. The church should be sought out as a beacon of hope in this time, not seen as a “WE’RE CLOSED. WE’LL BE BACK” sign. God doesn’t take breaks, and we should not expect the church to. I applaud churches and leaders who have adapted and taken precautionary measures by streaming their services or limiting their congregations to fifty people or less. Yes, we must continue to be safe. Yes, we have to be innovative in the ways we reach out to people, but if any place should still be open for business, it’s got to be the church of the living God!

Now is the time

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Heavenly Father, I thank You for the pastors and leaders that continue to preach Your word and are ready to do it whether it is convenient or inconvenient. Strengthen we, your people, through this trying time. I know that You are in control and are the answer. I am the salt. I am the light. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer