Keep Your Confidence

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
— HEBREWS 10:35 (NIV)

Have you ever felt like God isn’t showing up in your life like He said He would? You know, those times when life is kicking you in the teeth for what seems like no good reason? You pull just enough together to pay your bills, just when the gas light comes on in your car. You felt fine this morning before going to work, but now you have a mysterious cough, fever and a scratchy throat. You’ve got peanut butter, no jelly. Ham, no burger. You take two steps forward only to get pulled back three and what can go wrong is going completely wrong. You’re at a place where you don’t know what else to do or where to turn.

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You’re not alone. Find solace in that. Everyone has been there and has problems, but not everyone has a problem solver who they can depend on. Cancel the pity party, dust yourself off and keep your confidence in Jesus. Your patience and perseverance will be richly rewarded. When you’re going through, remember God is there with you. He is sustaining you. Whatever you’re experiencing, He allowed it and is covering you through it. Your life isn’t full of heartache and tests. It’s full of opportunities to learn, grow and become a better you. And in order to learn, grow and become the best you, you must keep your confidence. Jesus is trying to show you something, take you somewhere or do something extraordinary in you. Don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel. Pray. Stand. Believe. Endure.

You can do this

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Heavenly Father, I will not throw away my confidence, for in due time, I know You will richly reward me. Thank You for reminding me who I am in You and that nothing is impossible for me. I am protected in You arms and I know You are always with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer