“You shall have no other gods before me.”
Whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re going, I’m sure you’ve heard about the Coronavirus. It’s finally been declared a pandemic, and everyone has something to say about it. One of the greatest basketball players died tragically recently and everyone was talking about “him.” Before that, one of the most talented R&B singers of our time was acting a complete fool, and everyone was talking about “him.” Now, we have COVID-19 and guess what? Everyone is talking about “it.” I can’t help but think that death, deception and modern-day plagues is God simply saying, “Look at me.”
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God doesn’t want you to have any other gods before Him. Anything that is taking your attention from Him, is a god. Anything or anyone you talk about more than God, is a god. This virus is another opportunity you’re given to look at God and talk about His goodness and how He will deliver the world if it looks to Him. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to wash your hands or cover your cough. When you look at God, He gives you godly wisdom and common sense too! Do everything to prevent the spread of the virus, but also spread God’s word, not pandemonium. God has a way of taking care of everything when you acknowledge Him in everything. Things don’t happen without reason. If for nothing else, I do believe when God allows things to happen, He’s simply saying, “Look at me.”
The Great I Am
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“Heavenly Father, I put no one or no thing above You. You are the Great I Am, and You are the one and only God I serve. You are in control and I have faith that You will make all things brand new. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”