“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
Have you ever been driving to a place for the first time and thought you were going in the right direction? Of course, this is pre-GPS era, when we actually had to follow written or spoken directions. You’d drive for miles and miles looking for that one familiar landmark to make that left turn at before you swallowed your pride and asked for direction. The guy behind the seven inches of security glass at the gas station does the one thing you were hoping he wouldn’t: He motions his hand in the opposite direction you were driving saying, “You’re going the wrong way.” You’ve lost gas, money and time all because the way you were going appeared to be right.
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Jesus motions His hand in the opposite direction we’re going quite often. When? When we think about skipping paying our tithes this week, not forgiving people who’ve hurt us, or when we forget to represent Christ in our daily walk. Can you hear Him saying it? “You’re going the wrong way!” Jesus wants us to live the right way He intended for us. When we don’t, things die in our lives. We miss opportunities God planned for us. We lose money Jesus prepared for us to save. But God is a good God. He gives us the chance to turn around and go the right way. Listen for the Lord’s voice today and stay on track to reach your prepared destiny.
God is my GPS
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your direction and showing me the right way when I’ve gone wrong. Thank You for forgiving me and the opportunity to get back on track. I choose to follow Your way today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”