“I’m not saying this because I need anything, for I have learned how to be content in any circumstance. 12 I know the experience of being in need and of having more than enough; I have learned the secret to being content in any and every circumstance, whether full or hungry or whether having plenty or being poor.”
Wherever you find yourself in life, God has you there for a reason. Every season you experience isn’t going to be a season of reaping. Sometimes you’re going to have to plant and sow and prepare for your harvest. In your waiting period is where you really have to trust Jesus and believe He knows what He’s doing and have faith that He knows what’s best for you. God always has a plan over your life and the best thing you can do is be content.
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Being content does not mean you have to be complacent or stagnant in life. Nope! Being content means you appreciate what God has given you and brought you through. You can be content with where you’re living, but believe Jesus is going to bless you with a new home. You can be content living a single life, but believe God is preparing to bless you with a soulmate. You can be content with the job you have and believe Christ is going to bless you with a fulfilling career. It’s when you are content and appreciative with what God has done for you that He can move in your life and increase you. It all starts with you being content in any and every circumstance.
Any way You bless me
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“Heavenly Father, in You, I am content. I am thankful for everything You’ve done for me and brought me through. I am appreciative of Your blessings of my life and am faithful to Your plan. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”